
Beading Lesson
Three Ways to Attach a Clasp

By: Katie Hacker

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There are a variety of ways to attach a clasp to beading wire. In today’s beading lesson, we’re going to show you three different methods: a crimp tube, an EZ crimp end and a scrimp.

The most common way to attach a clasp is to use a crimp tube. Pass the wire end through a crimp tube and half of the clasp, and then pass it back through the crimp tube. Adjust the crimp tube so the wire forms a small loop through the clasp. To use a crimping tool, place the crimp tube inside the inner jaws first. Squeeze hard, then remove the crimp tube. You’ll notice that it has a small crease in the center. Place the crimp tube inside the outer jaws of the crimp tool and squeeze gently to fold the crimp tube in half.

There are a few special accessories that you can add to make a crimp tube finish more professional and long-lasting. A crimp cover is a c-shaped bead that fits over the crimp tube. Use a mighty crimping tool to close it and hide the crimp inside. A wire guardian is a protective thimble that prevents the clasp from causing abrasion on the wire loop. To use a wire guardian, pass the wire end through a crimp tube and guardian. Next, string half of the clasp over the guardian. Pass the wire end back through the crimp tube and crimp it.

A faster method for attaching a clasp is to use an EZ crimp end. EZ crimps are available with and without clasps already attached. EZ crimp ends have a coil in the center with a bar on each side. Pass the wire end inside the EZ crimp, and then use a mighty crimping tool to squeeze the bars together. The coil inside flattens to securely hold the wire in place.

You can also use a special finding called a “scrimp” to attach a clasp. A scrimp is a crimp end that contains a miniature screw. Pass the wire end inside a scrimp, and then turn the screw to hold the wire in place.


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